I’m Back

Finals are over. The semester is done. Time to start anew with grades. I’ll start posting again soon…possibly later today if I get the motivation. But in general, I’ll be posting less these next few months, especially come mid-March to mid-May, when I need to start rigorously preparing for AP tests and Science Olympiad. So yea…I’m finally back.

Brief Respite

For all of the three people who actually follow this blog consistently, you may have noticed I haven’t posted in nearly a week’s time. Well, I’ve been swamped with school work and extracurricular activities, and finals are coming up, so I haven’t had much time to watch or blog about anime. I don’t know exactly when I’ll be back, but hopefully it’ll be soon. I’m aiming for January 22, since I’ll be finished with SAT testing that day. I’ll try to squeeze in one or two posts in the mean time…but otherwise, it’ll be around then until I get back to “frequent” blogging.

Also, I’ve written separate posts on quite a few premiere episodes this season, but I think I’ll probably be legitimately blogging about two or three at the most. For sure, Level E will be one of them. Haven’t decided on the others yet, but most likely Fractale and/or Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. Here are a list of all the shows I’ll be watching this season though:

Level E
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
Wandering Son

Also, I’m going to be doing a new type of thing next month, so if anyone has any amazing romance anime to recommend, please do so. I got Nodame Cantabile, Nana, Maison Ikkoku, and Bokura ga Ita lined up to watch. May or may not watch all of them. But I prefer something I can actually connect to, not just the same generic cast of characters you see in every other romance anime. Something realistic that really evokes emotional response. Thanks.