I’m in Despair!

I was playing around with the webcam on my laptop yesterday, and I don’t know what cruel otherwordly being compelled me to do this, but I decided to parody Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei’s despair reactions with my glasses on. The pictures made me look like both an idiot and a fuckin’ creeper, but I don’t give a shit. Enjoy. More

Naruto Fans (and Detractors)

I’ll admit it—I used to be a pretty big fan of Naruto a few years back. I watched the anime, read the manga, and was a consistent contributor on a few Naruto forums. But ultimately, boredom from watching only Naruto and Bleach lead me to quit anime for a few years. Now that I’m back to watching anime, I’ve found so many better shows, and I’m not the fan that I once was of Naruto (or Bleach for that matter). Over the years though, I’ve seen fans and critics of varying degrees, so I decided to categorize them. You might fit into one of these categories. More

One Piece’s Initial Popularity

Well, this is my first post, so I’ll talk about something everyone knows about: One Piece. About two months ago, I began my “One Piece journey,” which pretty much is somehow catching up to 480+ episodes out right now, starting from episode 1. I had watched it before, but I forgot where I left off so I just decided to rewatch it from the beginning. I’m around episode 170 currently, but this post will mainly focus on the East Blue Saga (episodes 1 to 61) from the anime and its popularity. I’ve never read the manga and I don’t plan to, so I won’t talk about it much, though most of what I ramble about would apply anyway. More