I’m in Despair!

I was playing around with the webcam on my laptop yesterday, and I don’t know what cruel otherwordly being compelled me to do this, but I decided to parody Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei’s despair reactions with my glasses on. The pictures made me look like both an idiot and a fuckin’ creeper, but I don’t give a shit. Enjoy.



I’m in despair! The internet weeaboo population who use romanized Japanese to replace basic English words has left me in despair!

But seriously, what’s up with that? You’re not getting any more Japanese by saying “onii-chan” instead of “brother.”

3 Comments (+add yours?)

    Jan 09, 2011 @ 23:09:03

    ;D! Takes guts to post pics of yourself on the internet! Kudos 2 u! Cept I don’t get what your poses mean cuz i’ve never watched passed episode 1 of SZS xD.


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